Study of Aging)
About YP


1. Title

The title for the survey is as follows:

   - Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (short: KLoSA)


2. Background and Objectives

Korea became an ageing society in 2000, as the proportion of those 65 or older reached 7% of the population. Thereafter, the country is expected to undergo a rapid ageing process. Korea was belated compared to other advanced countries in reaching the ageing society status, but it is expected to become a super-aged society around the same time as others.


Lacking in basic data on ageing, Korea is in need of a structured set of statistical data. - Institutional reform and policy-making in preparation against the aged society require systematic build-up of data that can track individuals' labor participation, income and asset status, spending patterns, retirement decisions, impact of social welfare, health, and intra-family transfer of income, among others.


The purpose of KLoSA is to create the basic data needed to devise and implement effective social, economic policies to address the trends that emerge in the process of population ageing.


- The data will help identify and observe different dimensions of an aged society, build datasets that enable studies in different fields, and generate data comparable with similar panel studies in other countries (eg. U.S., Europe) that can provide the basis for policy-making and academic studies.


3. Survey Subjects

Middle/old-aged population (45 or older) nationwide not including Jeju Island

   - In 2006, those residing in households will be the sampling and survey subjects


No. of Samples: Appx. 10,000

※ For further details about the sample, please refer to related document


4. Survey Interval and Period


   - Basic survey for KLoSA will be conducted every even-numbered year starting from 2006, mostly using the same survey categories.

   - In every odd-numbered year starting from 2007, surveys under special topics not included in the basic survey will be conducted.



   - 1st KLoSA baseline survey conducted over a 6-month period from July 2006.

   - The surveys thereafter will also be held in the second half of the year.


5. Survey Method

Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)


6. Survey Topics

Topics under KLoSA include those that are deemed to have an impact on the economic and social activities of the middle/old-aged population.


To allow international comparative studies on population ageing, the survey categories and topics under the Basic Survey have been drafted in reference to the U.S., UK and European versions of the panel study. After the initial designing, details have been crafted in consultation with professors, researchers and working-level experts, either in a face-to-face meeting or written format.


Topics under KLoSA are grouped into the following 7 main categories - A. Demographics, B. Family, C. Health, D. Employment, E. Income, F. Assets, G. Subjective Expectations and Satisfaction- For further details, please refer to the questionnaires.


7. Results Announcement

Results of KLoSA has been announced through the KLoSA:

    - Basic Analysis Report has been published by the KEIS in the year following the survey period.

    ※ 2006 Basic Analysis Report was published by the KLI.


8. Distribution of Data

KLoSA data, questionnaires, Coding Guide and other information make available through the website after validation and final review.

    - Users will be able to download the data after member registration.


9. Survey Organizer

Korea Employment Information Service (KEIS) - Employment Survey and Analysis Center

    - Address: 6, Taejeong-ro, Maengdong-myeon, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, 27740, Korea

    - Phone: 1577-7114, Fax: 043-870-8269

    - Website: http://survey.keis.or.kr/